Author Guidelines

Thank you for considering the International Journal of Research in Learning Disabilities (IJRLD) as a potential outlet for your scholarly work. We appreciate your dedication to contributing to the understanding, prevention, assessment, and treatment of learning disabilities. To ensure a smooth submission process and enhance the chances of your manuscript being accepted, please carefully follow these instructions:

Your manuscript should align with the aims and scope of the IJRLD. We only accept articles that are relevant to the focus of our journal. Please review our website and recent issues to ensure that your work aligns with our objectives. We can only consider manuscripts for publication that have not been previously published or are not currently under review by any other journal.

Submit your work in one of the following file formats: Microsoft Word, RTF (Rich Text Format), or WordPerfect. Whenever possible, include URLs for the references you cite in your manuscript. This will enable readers to access the sources directly and enhance the overall quality of your work. Please provide your submission in American English. If English is not your native language, we strongly recommend consulting a professional editing service prior to submission.

Format your manuscript according to the guidelines set forth in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (7th edition). This includes using a 12-point font, double-spacing the text, and maintaining appropriate margins throughout. Ensure that your manuscript includes an abstract of 100 to 200 words, summarizing the contents of your research concisely. Additionally, provide between 4 and 7 keywords or brief phrases that accurately define the subject matter of your work. Your manuscript should not exceed 35 double-spaced pages, including references, tables, figures, and appendices. Please include any tables, figures, appendices, or other supporting materials directly within the main document. Do not submit them as separate files. It is important to note that there is no fee for either the peer review process or the publication of articles.

The IJRLD publishes the following types of research papers:

Experimental group studies: Experimental group studies involve manipulating variables and comparing outcomes between different groups to assess the effectiveness of specific interventions or treatments. Researchers assign participants to different groups (e.g., control group and experimental group) and measure the impact of the intervention on the dependent variables.

Correlational studies: Correlational research examines the relationships between variables. It aims to determine the degree of association or correlation between different factors, such as the relationship between academic achievement and self-esteem or the relationship between teacher attitudes and student outcomes.

Survey studies: Surveys are widely used in research to collect data from a large number of participants. Researchers design questionnaires or surveys to gather information about attitudes, beliefs, experiences, or demographic characteristics related to learning disabilities. Survey research provides insights into broader trends, opinions, and practices.

Epidemiological studies: Epidemiological studies involve the scientific and systematic investigation of the distribution and causes of certain conditions in specified populations. By analyzing data, researchers aim to understand the frequency, patterns, and risk factors associated with certain problems, informing interventions and support strategies.

Single case studies: This type of research focuses on studying a single individual or a small group of individuals over a specific period. It involves detailed observations and measurements to understand the effects of interventions or treatments on an individual's behavior or learning outcomes.

Meta-analyses: Meta-analyses involves systematically analyzing and synthesizing the results from multiple studies on a specific topic related to learning disabilities. Researchers combine and analyze data from different studies to draw conclusions, identify patterns, and provide a more comprehensive understanding of a particular area of research.

Systematic literature reviews: A systematic literature review involves a comprehensive and methodical examination of existing research studies on a specific topic. It aims to synthesize the available evidence, identify trends, and highlight gaps to provide an in-depth overview of the current state of knowledge, without statistical data aggregation.

Qualitative studies: Qualitative research methods, such as interviews, observations, and document analysis, are used to gain an in-depth understanding of individuals' experiences, perceptions, and behaviors related to learning disabilities. Qualitative studies explore subjective aspects, uncover themes, and generate rich descriptions and narratives.

Action research studies: Action research is a collaborative approach involving practitioners, researchers, and stakeholders to address specific challenges and improve practices in different settings. It focuses on implementing and evaluating interventions or changes in real-world contexts, with the goal of improving outcomes and informing future practice.

Case reports: Case reports involve documenting and presenting detailed descriptions of specific cases or situations related to learning disabilities. These reports often provide insights into unique or rare cases, interventions, or outcomes and contribute to the existing body of knowledge in the field.