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Author Guidelines

ZERL publishes contributions at the crossroads of law and linguistics, with a special focus on multilingual European Union law making and interpretation.

Contributions may be articles, reviews and lectures. They must be original work which has not been submitted or published elsewhere, and will be peer-reviewed.

PDFs and HTML versions are published under the Creative Commons BY-NC-ND Licence.

Please contact the editors prior to submission: zerl-redaktion (at) . The ZERL Style Guide is provided here.

Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • The contribution has not been submitted or published elsewhere.
  • The document is a Microsoft Word, Libre Office or WordPerfect document.
  • As far as possible references come with their URLs.
  • The text is single-spaced in Palatino Linotype 11pt, object language is in italics, no underline (except URLs), footnotes are Palatino Linotype 10pt. All images, tables and diagrams are at their proper place in the text. Units of coherent content (which may be larger than a paragraph in writing) are numbered by points/margin numbers (see back numbers for a sample). You haven't used any automatically generated numbering and have completely removed track change and comments.
  • The text respects all requirements of the English Style Guide at this link.

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